Saturday, September 30, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
They Made Me Do It

Okay, so they come up to my desk right. I turn and look at them, they hold a pile of job sheets. Fear grips my heart - what is it? what could they possibly make me do now?
They slam them onto the table top and my eyes race to see the client description – Foodland! Oh no! How could they do this to me? I'm so good to them, I don't deserve this, they know I don't want it. The production manager looks me in the eye and I know this means business, I'm going to have to do work for a blatantly cheap, friendly retail supermarket.
I hear the brief, their mouths opening and closing but my eyes are a little glazed over and I only hear a muffled sound, as if I am not there. I stare the the empty screen momentarily, before I realise what I must do. This banner, to be installed over all checkouts in Sefton Park Foodland must be done one way... the Elliott way.
(click to check it out at a larger size - pure aesthetic masturbation)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
So i just got home from a gig i went to with quilly tonight. It was actually really really good but thats beside the point. I got back to my car to find it had been broken into! that's the third time. I now have two stuffed locks so i cant lock the car. I have to leave one door unlocked all the time untill i get them fixed. Stuff was chucked all over the place, my ash tray was emptied and everything else just thrown all over the place. I looked around for a while and figure out that only three things had been stolen. Here's a list of what was in my car and your job is to guess what was stolen. Only 3 thing were taken.
money in ash tray
red/white vans
work shoes
work shirt
work pants
back pack
sleeping bag
beach towl
6 pack of beer
If your guess correctly you get a hug. Answers will come tomorrow when im not so pissed off!
end rant/
money in ash tray
red/white vans
work shoes
work shirt
work pants
back pack
sleeping bag
beach towl
6 pack of beer
If your guess correctly you get a hug. Answers will come tomorrow when im not so pissed off!
end rant/
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The Science of Sleep
This movie looks awesome. Good music too... "indie" flick of the spring I'm betting... directed by Michael Gondry
Friday, September 15, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Banksy on Paris
Nice idea (a lot of effort). He's got attention in the media for it, which I'm sure was his goal - not just for himself, but for the message.