Wednesday, September 20, 2006


So i just got home from a gig i went to with quilly tonight. It was actually really really good but thats beside the point. I got back to my car to find it had been broken into! that's the third time. I now have two stuffed locks so i cant lock the car. I have to leave one door unlocked all the time untill i get them fixed. Stuff was chucked all over the place, my ash tray was emptied and everything else just thrown all over the place. I looked around for a while and figure out that only three things had been stolen. Here's a list of what was in my car and your job is to guess what was stolen. Only 3 thing were taken.
money in ash tray
red/white vans
work shoes
work shirt
work pants
back pack
sleeping bag
beach towl
6 pack of beer
If your guess correctly you get a hug. Answers will come tomorrow when im not so pissed off!
end rant/


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