Saturday, April 15, 2006


nothing much has happened. i have continued to eat a lot and i have bought some new socks. i went to an electronics fair, it was crap, they had a hall of fame section and it was crap. all the products where unbadged products so that companies like coles can buy them and rebadge them and sell them for twenty dollars. it was very depressing seeing all these wasteful products.

otherwise i have decided that i am going to make a big bit of concrete and smash the crap out of it when i get home. yeah, and then avoid stepping on the cracks so that i dont break my back.

i think i am going to buy some new glasses, but not sure what type. maybe some white ones, but they could look weird, so probably some thick black ones so i can look like everyone else here. and then i was thinking about gettting a hair cut. i am going to be a new person when i get back.

well i hope all is well in adelaide and people are coping without me.

with much human love

p.s. elliotttt how did mtv go. i also miss you too and have built a shrine at my grandparents . and i face your house and since el-li-ott


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