It was obvious

Currently I'm updating our clients presentation folder containing the entire range of products, I saw this bed and this idea just came into my head. After hearing so many ads on the radio for men's sexual performance issues - nasal sprays, etc, I liked the idea of having a poke at those ads by twisting the familiar to suit my message. I have suggested to the client that he could send it as a joke via email to football fanatic friends, who no doubt would send to other football enthusiasts and before you know it they'd all be buying their kids (this is a kids bed by the way) a football bed as well as finding out what else is in the Attard Furniture range! Free and fun promotional tool.
Hahaha thats pretty sweet! i dig the idea, but the whole kids bed sexual joke sits a little uneasily (although i didn't think of it that way untill i read you post).
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