Monday, May 21, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
First part of my trip.

My sister and her husband chillin on the roof (we had to climb out the kitchen window 8 floors up to get to the roof), Kunming, China.

I want a panda! so cute....seriously, Chendu, China.

Teracotta Warriors were worth the flight up, everybody need to see these at some point, Xian, China.

Stone forest, im about 30m up, and yes the rocks are as sharp and slipery as they look, Kunming ,China.

Dan feeds a horse, Budapest, Hungry.

Main city square while everything was closed over easter, Zagreb, Croatia.

Yoda on a horse stupid, Hvar, Croatia.

The view yoda had from the top of the mountain, Hvar, Split.

Hvar, Split.

How good is this donkey?, Hvar, Split.

Cant remember the name of the church somwhere in Budapest, Hungry.

Lovin the hungarian architecture, Budapest, Hungry.